Course: Financial Data Management
Category: Accounting Technician Y2
Description: Financial Data Management

Crumlin College is an approved partner of Accounting Technicians Ireland and is approved to provide tuition for their Accounting Technician qualification. For all information on course content, examinations and registration please visit their website  Please note that course tuition fees only are payable to Crumlin College and that other fees for registration, course materials and examinations are payable to Accounting Technicians Ireland. Course materials and notification of examinations are sent directly to the student.  There are four subjects in Second year. It is possible to study single subjects. The course duration is 25 weeks. The fee per subject is €255. Financial Data Management starts Wednesday 18th September 2024

The four Second Year ATI subjects are:

Financial Data Management (IAS2)  Wednesday  starts 18/9/2024 6.00- 7.30 pm

Management Accounting (MA2) Wednesday 7.30 to 9.15 pm starts 18/09/224

Advanced Accounting (ACC2) Thursday 6.00 to 7.35 pm  starts 19/9/2024

Advanced Taxation (TX2) Thursday 7.35 to 9.15 pm   starts 19/09/2024


Fee: €255
Duration: 0 weeks
Start Date: 2024-09-18
Start/End Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Day: Wednesday